English Courses
Freshmen Courses
English I
This is a two-semester course required of 9th grade students which offers an introduction to literature through the study of the short story, the novel, non-fiction, and drama. Students also study writing as a process, vocabulary, speech, grammar, and research papers using the Modern Language Association (MLA) format.
English Honors I
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
This is the first course in the English Honors program and offers an in-depth study of vocabulary, grammar, composition, mythology, and the novel. This course includes units of speech, drama, the short story, nonfiction, poetry, and the research paper, using the Modern Language Association (MLA) format.
Sophomore Courses
English II
This is a two-semester course required of 10th grade students which continues literature study of the short story, the novel, non-fiction, and drama. Students study writing as a process, vocabulary, speech, grammar, and research papers using the Modern Language Association (MLA) format.
English Honors II
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
This is the second course in the English Honors program and continues the in-depth study of vocabulary, grammar, composition, and the novel. Speech, drama, the short story, nonfiction, poetry, and the research paper will be included in this course, using the Modern Language Association (MLA) format.
English and Digital Media Arts
Prerequisite: Teacher Recommendation
This is a two-semester course that teaches students to act as purveyors of change in the world at large. Students will analyze a variety of print and digital texts in order to interpret an author's, arti's, and/or designer's message, and determine how a specific audience drive a creator's decision-making process. Students will use the principals of design to create texts and visuals that tell stories and convey effective messages for the purpose of effecting change.
Reading Support
This course is designed to improve a student’s reading skills. Students are placed in the class based on reading scores two years or more below grade level with Instructor recommendation. This class is not open to students who already received remediation support from ELD, RSP, SDC, or Language Art classes.
Junior Courses
English III
This is a two-semester course required of 11th grade students. Emphasis of this course will be on American literature. Students will continue to study writing as a process, vocabulary, speech, grammar, and research papers using the Modern Language Association (MLA) format.
AP English Language & Composition
Prerequisite: English Honors II or approval from English II instructor
The literary focus shall be a survey of American literature emphasizing critical analysis. An in-depth study and application of literary terms and rhetorical devices shall accompany the study of all literature. Composition, analytical and expository in nature, shall be taught throughout the year along with instruction in precise writing. All students enrolled in this class are encouraged to take the AP Exam. Fee for all AP exams.
Communication by Design
Prerequisite: Pass both semesters of English and Digital Media arts with a C or better and/or Teacher recommendation
This is a two-semester course that integrates English with visual design and media arts by giving students the ability to communicate to different audiences in a variety of text formats as it applies to analog media, digital media, and real-world digital representations. Using effective speaking and listening skills, students convey a variety of messages both informative and persuasive, demonstrate mastery of visual representation of information.
Senior Courses
English IV
This is a two-semester course required of 12th grade students. Language Arts is taught in an integrated fashion. Emphasis will be placed on British literature. Diverse writing styles from expressive and creative to expository prose will be taught. Students will learn standard research procedures and write a formal research paper using the Modern Language Association (MLA) format. Instruction will also be given in speaking skills.
English IV: Expository Reading & Writing
The ERWC course is a CSU-designed English course that focuses on non-fiction (expository) reading and writing skills. This course is designed to better prepare students for the type of expository reading and writing skills that they need to be successful in college and career.
AP English Literature & Composition
Prerequisite: AP Language & Composition or recommendation of English III instructor
The literary focus shall be a survey of British and world literature emphasizing critical analysis. An in-depth study and application of literary terms shall accompany study of all literature. Composition, analytical and expository in nature, shall be taught throughout the year, and instruction in precise writing shall be given. All students enrolled in this class will be encouraged to take the AP Exam.
Connected English
Prerequisite: Pass both semesters of Communication by Design with a C or better and/or Teacher Recommendation
This is a two-semester course that utilizes English concepts in an arts, media, and entertainment environment. By examing presentations of self, beliefs, and values through digital writing and writing of other members of society who have affected change this course challenges students to examine and express themselves as active participants in society. This course provides an opportunity for students to fulfill their English course requirement while exploring a career pathway and developing critical reading, writing, speaking, and thinking skills geared toward the digital media arts field.
English Language Development
ELD I (English Language Development)
Fulfills: One year of English I graduation requirement Open to 9-12th grade students who are currently participating in the district bilingual educational program. Placement will be determined by student scores from the annual English Language Proficiency Assessment of California (ELPAC). This two-semester course offers activities and assignments that promote English language development. Materials are studied to increase the student’s understanding of English. Students will study writing as a process, academic vocabulary, and speaking skills. This class may be repeated for credit.
ELD II (English Language Development)
Open to students who are currently participating in the district bilingual educational program. Placement will be determined by student scores from the annual Language Proficiency Assessment of California (ELPAC). This two-semester course offers activities and assignments that promote English language development. Materials are studied in depth to increase the student’s understanding of English. Students will study writing as a process, academic vocabulary, and speaking skills. This class may be repeated for credit.
ELD III (English Language Development)
Open to students who are currently participating in the district bilingual educational program. Placement will be determined by student scores from the annual Language Proficiency Assessment of California (ELPAC). This two-semester course offers activities and assignments that promote English language development. Materials are studied in depth to increase the student’s understanding of English. Students will study writing as a process, academic vocabulary, and speaking skills. This class may be repeated for credit.
ELD IV (English Language Development)
Open to students who are currently participating in the district bilingual educational program. Placement will be determined by student scores from the annual Language Proficiency Assessment of California (ELPAC). This two-semester course offers activities and assignments that promote English language development. Materials are studied to increase the student’s understanding of English. Students will study writing as a process, academic vocabulary, and speaking skills. This class may be repeated for credit.