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Science Department

  • The Living Earth

    This is an introductory course in biology that also covers a third of the content in an introductory earth science course. Topics include cellular processes, genetics, evolution, and ecosystems.

  • Honors Living Earth

    This is an introductory course in biology that also covers a third of the content in an introductory earth science course. Topics include cellular processes, genetics, evolution, and ecosystems. Honors living earth covers the same content as the standard Living Earth class but with additional depth, breadth, and rigor. Students are introduced to advanced topics in biology that will better prepare them for AP Biology or other advanced science classes.

  • Chemistry in the Earth System

    Offered to grades 10-12. This Next Generation Science Standards aligned course focuses on understanding fundamental principles of chemistry as they relate to our Earth systems.

  • Honors Chemistry in the Earth SystemS

    Offered to grades 10-12. Honors Chemistry in Earth Systems is a high school laboratory course that is designed to prepare students for both AP chemistry and post-secondary science classes.

  • Physics of the Universe

    Offered to grades 11-12. Physics is the cornerstone of modern science. It seeks to discover the fundamental relationships that govern the behavior of our universe. 

  • Physiology

    Offered to grades 11-12. Human physiology is a laboratory science designed specifically to acquaint mature students with the chemical and physical processes that animate and control their bodies. 

  • AP Biology

    AP Biology is the equivalent of a two-semester college introductory biology course for biology majors. Students study the core scientific principles, theories, and processes that govern living organisms and biological systems while doing hands-on laboratory work to investigate natural phenomena.

  • AP Chemistry

    Offered to grades 10-12. All topics typically taught in a university freshman level chemistry course will be covered.

  • AP Physics I: Algebra based

    Offered to grades 11-12. AP Physics I is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course.

  • Introductory Physical Earth and Space Systems

    Offered to grades 9-12. This course engages students in the study of the earth and the earth's place in the universe by focusing on important concepts. 

  • Computer Science

    Offered to grades 9-12. Computer science is composed of a variety of topics related to comupter programming and physical computing/robotics.

Science Honor Cords (Orange) Requirements:

  • 6 semesters of "A" work* without outstanding or satisfactory citizenship
    • With four semesters of science taken at Sierra
  • 1 Science teacher recommendations

*"A" work is a 4.0 GPA and must include Biology, Chemistry & 1 Advanced Course.