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Visual & Performing Arts

Visual & Performing Arts Department

  • Piano

    Offered to grades 9-12. This course will teach beginning and intermediate levels of piano instruction.

  • Advanced Piano

    Offered to grades 9-12. Students will work at their own pace and will learn many styles of music at a greater level of difficulty.

  • Guitar

    Offered to grades 9-12. This class will cover beginning instruction on the guitar.

  • Choir

    Offered to grades 9-12. An introductory course in choral music performance. 

  • Advanced Choir

    Offered to grades 9-12. Study various advanced choral styles in three-and-four-part harmony.

  • Music Theory & Composition

    Offered to grades 9-12. Course is designed to give students useful, practical knowledge, and experience that will help them prepare for further musical pursuits.

  • Jazz Band

    Offered to grades 9-12. Emphasize performance techniques, music theory, history, and improvisation in jazz and related styles. 

  • Band

    Offered to grades 9-12. Students will learn basic music theory and technical musicianship skills. 

  • Concert Band

    Offered to grades 9-12. Students will be taught basic music theory, terminology, history, and performace techniques in an ensemble setting.

  • Advanced Band

    Offered to grades 9-12. Students will be taught advanced music theory, terminology, history, and performance techniques in an ensemble setting.

  • Video Editing

    Offered to grades 11-12. Course introduces students to the fundamentals of video production both in front of and behind the camera.

  • Introduction to Theatre

    Offered to grades 9-12. Provides students with the knowledge of theatre heritage and stage terminology and acting skills.

  • Intermediate Theatre

    Offered to grades 9-12. A performance-oriented course that allows the second-year student the opportunity to enhance his/hers skills.

  • Advanced Theatre

    Offered to grades 10-12. Students will learn terminology related to advanced scene study and theatrical production.

  • Photography

    Offered to grades 9-12. Photography is designed to explore the black and white photographic process and history as a method of creative visual communication.

  • Digital Photography

    Offered to grades 9-12. Introduces students to the fundamentals of digital photography while expanding the student's knowledge of basic digital photography.

  • Advanced Photography

    Offered to grades 10-12. This course will expand their knowledge of the basic concepts of photgraphy to develp more sophisticated projects. 

  • Advanced Digital Photography

    Offered to grades 10-12. Expands the process of image capture, alteration, combination, and correction by developing a thematic-artistic approach to student-and-instructor-generated projects. 

  • Introduction to Art

    Offered to grades 9-12. Intended to develop an understanding and appreciation of the basic elements and principles of art, color design, and art history.

  • Advanced Art

    Offered to grades 10-12. A continuation of Introduction to Art through drawing, painting, sculpture, and the study of art history.

  • Three-Dimensional Art

    Offered to grades 10-12. Students will explore techniques of three-dimensional design using a variety of materials which may include papier-mache, wood, wire, fiber, stone, leather, stain glass, clay, and metal. 

  • AP Studio Art

    Offered to grades 11-12. This is a third-year studio art course with college level expectations. 

  • AP Studio Art 3D Design

    Offered to grades 11-12. Primary emphasis will be for students to produce art that will showcase their skills and creativity using clay construction, drawing, painting, color, and design theory.

  • Ceramics

    Offered to grades 9-12. Presents basic techniques and history of hand-built construction, design applications, decoration, and glazing.

  • Advanced Ceramics

    Offered to grades 10-12. Continuation of Introduction to Ceramics.

Visual & Performing Arts Honor Cords (White) Requirements:

  • 4 Semesters of "A" work* without a "U"
  • 2 VAPA teacher recommendations
  • *2 years in same discipline, 2 semesters advanced, 4.0 GPA