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CSF- California Scholarship Federation

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Founded in 1921, the California Scholarship Federation is the oldest scholastic, scholarship institution in the state of California.  CSF emphasizes high standards of scholarship, and community service for California high school students.  CSF also encourages service to the high school and the community while fostering pride in academic scholastic achievement. The California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is Sierra High School's only honor society.  Students who qualify and participate as members for four terms during their Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years qualify to be honored at commencement with special gold graduation regalia, sit at the front of their graduating class, are recognized individually for their achievement, and their high school diploma bears the CSF Gold Seal. In addition, students who are members for three terms earn a CSF letterman's jacket patch.


 Students are required to apply for CSF twice each year.  Application months are August and January.

CSF Membership is based on scholarship and is gained after qualifying grades are earned each semester.  In order to become a member, the student must submit an application each semester the student is eligible.  A point system specified in the CSF State By-Laws establishes the membership requirements.  To secure eligibility for CSF membership, a student must earn sufficient points from pre-approved course lists.  The majority of the required membership points must come from University of California accepted course work.

Life Membership (Sealbearer) is achieved by qualifying four or more semesters in the last three years of high school, and earns the CSF Gold Seal on diplomas and transcripts.  These students are also eligible to be nominated by the chapter adviser for the Seymour Memorial Awards.

California Scholarship Federation



For information on membership
requirements and application procedures,
please contact:
Kay Vongphouthone
Room 45